Saturday 18 December 2010

Salt - Analysis of film poster

Only her face is shown, from the darkness, which could represent her dark and cold blooded character, also we cant even see her hair style, this shows that her character is secretive. 
In this poster she is looking directly to the audience beating the stereotype of a weak women because it looks like she has a lot of independence just by looking at the poster.
She has got masculine facial expressions, showing that she is tough and has a strong character
The writing ‘who is salt?’ fits into the mysterious theme of the poster, because from the poster we can analyse some of the characteristics being put across but we do not actually know who she is because there is not much that we see of her.
The font is white with a black background, keeping it simple and easy to read
There is no date given but we know the film is being released in summer which teases the audience.

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