Thursday 6 January 2011

Wall Street - analysis of magazine cover

Shia Labeouf is starring in the film so having him on the front cover allows the audience to recognise what the film it is.
He is wearing a suit which brings out the formality in his character, although we know he is not a posh character because of his stylish hair and the suit is slightly casual.
The plain white background directs all the attention on him.
The writing on the side of the photo intrigues us with information of what the film is going to be about.
The content of some of the information given links to the film; which will interest the readers who are already fans of the movie.
The colour of the texts are chosen so it makes it easy to read.
The masthead is big and bold although it is covered slightly by the model which suggests that the company is well established so the audience are given enough of the masthead to spot what company it is from. 

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